
Edge blending software
Edge blending software

edge blending software

When you place two projectors side by side, the human eye will notice the edge, the mismatched colors, and the split or overlap of the images. Simply put, when you have two projectors lined up next to each other creating one solid image, you will never be able to create a seamless edge without edge blending projectors. In both cases, a number of projectors are needed which are firstly overlapped and then visually joined together using an edge blending technique. Typically, this is done to increase the size of a projected image to make a very wide image, or by combining a number of lower resolution devices together to increase the total resolution of a display. Tip! Black Level Compensation is available on the output tab.Edge blending is a technique used to describe the process of visually combining several projected images to make a single seamless image. The black level compensation is to make up for this difference, by allowing you to make the non-overlapping areas slightly brighter. The result in the overlapping area will be an even lighter grey. In the areas that should be 'blacked out' by edge blending, they will project deep grey on deep grey. So where two projectors overlap, this causes the problem to double up. That makes sense, because complete black actually is the absence of light.Īt best, a projector actually projects a very deep grey.

edge blending software

Since projectors project light, they can never project complete black. Gamma: This is the overall brightness of the fade area.

edge blending software

This allows you to further adjust the slope of the curve. Luminance: This control the brightness of the center point of your fade. The higher this number is, the steeper the curve will be in the center of the fade area. Power: This control the slope of the edge blend curve. Gamma Red, Green and Blue: This controls the overall brightness of the red, green and blue channel of the edge blend overlap area. You can still control the edge by refining the following three parameters: Resolume will automatically blend the edge in the middle. Then you can turn on edge blending for each slice in turn. Make sure you use those and not their smaller baby brothers that only do linear warping. Tip! Perspective warping are the four big corner points of your slice. Then keep adjusting the corner points one by one until the grid aligns perfectly. The best way to do this is to perspective warp each output while projecting the testcard again. On the output side, you need to make sure your projectors are aligned properly. The test card has diagonal lines on it to help you find the correct spot on the grid. Display your test card on the projector and keep moving the slices towards each other until the image on the projectors shows the same pixels in the overlapping area. You can use the test card ( Output > Show Test Card ) for this. Tip! For best results, a minimum of 15% overlap is recommended. In other words, you need to make sure that the slices overlap the same way as your physical projectors do in the real physical world. This overlap should mimic the physical overlap of the projectors on your surface. In order for edge blending to take effect, you need to have your slices partially cover the same area of your composition. Resolume will help you do this by gradually fading out the area where the projectors overlap. Edge Blending is only available on Resolume Arena!Įdge blending is the dark art of stitching together the output of two or more overlapping projectors and making one seamless screen out of them.

Edge blending software